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Master Del Pe is internationally known as the guru who wears many hats. His background is very diverse and rich with the alchemy of the best of the eastern wisdom and western knowledge. Some know him by different trades as a spiritual master, miraculous healer, martial arts master, world expert of meditation and the 8 types of yoga, humanitarian, social transformer, engineer, philanthropist and spiritual entrepreneur. Author of 12 books centered on self-development and self-mastery, he has created over 200 courses, 150 of which are available online, taught under his 3 international organizations: Wisdom Institute for Leadership and Global Advancement (WILGA), World Institute for Incurable Diseases (WIID) and BElife Institute for Higher Consciousness (BIHC).
His expertise in World Philosophies, World Religions and World Culture are direct learning and experience living in many cultures and travelling to over 100 countries while teaching and healing over 400,000 clients globally. Considered as a modern sage by his students around the world, and a life mentor to CEOs, corporations, world leaders and governments, Master Del Pe has dedicated his life to training students globally on spirituality, Balanced-Life strategies and leadership through wisdom. Through his teachings, he brings to humanity the concept of 'Flying high with 2 balanced wings - spiritual and material' to help them live their greatest life and be completely fulfilled.
He created BIHC to be the pioneering training organization along the line of Esoteric Psychology, Esoteric Science, Spiritual Technology, Divine Alchemy, Healing Science and Aquarian Life Philosophy. He developed a mountain resort in the Philippines in the most pristine environment as the world headquarter for his 3 institutes. Master Del Pe trains and certifies world-class healing specialists and spiritual trainers to mentor and heal clients from around the world via online services or in-person. Many international students also come to his MDP Village Resort for healing, spiritual apprenticeship, spiritual retreats and certification to become a trainer or specialist. Master Del Pe is mostly known by his students as one who trains disciples to master life ahead of its time.
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